February 2023 - April 2024 (Last Updated)

*Highlighted means it’s been shared on social separately

  1. A flower shop reminder system that sends you an email / rings you when valentines, birthdays or anniversaries are near
  2. A glass box / ice box encapsulating the head of Stormbreaker or Mjonor
  3. Your own event awarding people in your industry with excellence awards for top quality & meaningful world changing work
  4. New train ticket type that includes a carriage with a gym, useful for commutes
  5. Gym machines / racks with digital counters (rep counter OR digital weight adjusting, thanks Phil I for that one)
  6. Gym machines / racks with the option to connect to headphones which counts up every time you hit full rep range
  7. An app called RentFree where you can dump your mental health insecurities - all the entries get vaulted and released in 365 to see if you’re still in the same headspace
  8. Two subsidiary companies, one sells left earphone replacements & one sells right earphones replacements
  9. A campaign showing the data of the amount of car owners that use the train for their city to city work commute - potentially showing that it’s cheaper than paying for fuel, insurance etc
  10. An app that overlays a vinyl crackle over your Spotify audio
  11. An app that encourages you to reach out to old contacts saved in your phone, so that it doesn’t become a context cemetery
  12. Self driving trailers that follow a car of your choosing
  13. Wireless HDMI connectors, so you never have to carry/search your office for one ever again. Think wireless mouse dongles but for screens
  14. Converting old/abandoned churches into convert halls for bands and artists
  15. “Isabella in seat 60 would like to sit with someone / have a chat” a notification system which broadcasts to your immediate area letting people know who’s open for a stranger talk vs who’s not
  16. Poster for a environmentally friendly event that’s ironically got a plastic texture overlayed over the top
  17. Netflix limited to 5 films & 5 TV shows p/night